Friday, November 13, 2009

Just a quick one that I had to get out of my head and onto paper...

Why I run: to be in the moment, to feel alive, to feel strong, to feel beautiful, to feel connected with the world, to honor my friend, Josh, who was a runner (and may very well still be--who knows what they really do up there in heaven?), to express gratitude for a body that still (mostly) works, to experience the incredible endorphin rush, to smell the honeysuckle and jasmine that are still in bloom despite the calendar, to feel sun and rain and wind on my body, to smile at anonymous others who also like early mornings, to watch the sun rise (or set, depending on schedule), to be good to my body and my soul, to push myself beyond my limits, to set a positive example for my kids, to beat the crap out of cancer, to clear a space in my head so I can hear myself think, and sometimes also simply just to enjoy getting to the end, where occasionally there is a perfect bacon, egg, and cheddar biscuit made specially for me--a recently lapsed pescatarian!--by my favorite early morning place.

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