Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bon Voyage

Well, it certainly wasn't one of my finest moments, but I must say it was one that kept me giggling all day, especially after confirming with a friend that it was not an over the top, heinous, evil move on my part.

So where to start...

I haven't yet gone into the story of Jackass, but the nano version is that I was in an abusive relationship for nearly 20 years with a man who I now understand to be a sociopath. Bona fide. No, I'm not kidding.

I had the audacity to leave my marriage to said individual after a number of twisted events/discoveries that culminated in him physically assaulting me in front of our two young children. This is a decision for which I have been, and fully expect to continue to be, "punished" for a very long time.

Jackass is the ultimate manipulator, with finely honed skills that span the passive-aggressive spectrum. But when he volleyed his latest the other day, I couldn't resist: I hit one back.

I had a voicemail from an airline (one that I have never, not once in my life flown) informing me of my confirmation number and letting me know that I could check-in online. I knew he was scheduled to travel (due to re-arranging our childrens' schedule) but I intentionally did not ask where, or exactly for how long, he would be gone. To not show even the slightest remote interest in this was denying him what is termed "narcissistic supply", which is quite an affront to someone in the Cluster B category (google this if you want to learn more--it's morbidly fascinating that there are these sub-humans living amongst us).

Anyway, because there is absolutely no earthly reason why this airline would have my cell phone number associated with his name, I knew immediately that this was his way of "hoovering", i.e. trying to engage me, to place himself back into my thoughts and emotions (I have gone what is termed LC, for "low contact", which tends to incite this type of behavior). And when I decided to logon and check things out, I also realized that this was an attempt to dangle in front of me something that he knew that I had wanted: a trip to Greece. Yes, within months before my leaving him, he and I had intended to go, to rent a little villa for a couple of weeks in some romantic locale, and to escape into a state of bliss. Or something like that. Anyway, the old me would have been hurt by the prospect of him doing this with someone else. That no longer matters to me, although I did have a moment of being pretty pissed that it was him and not me, who is getting to make this trip. After all, it is still on my bucket list of the top 5 places I want to explore before...well, you know, before no longer needing that list. So I suppose this is what prompted me to do what I did.

I pondered my options for a minute or so---cancel the flight? No. Too vengeful, not my style at all. Do nothing? No. I heard in the back of my head the voice of my therapist, who maintains that "bad" behavior by these types should be discouraged. So then it came to me. The seating chart. With one little click, a reassignment from that window seat near the front of coach to a middle seat in the middle column, in the very last row by the lavatories. To be fair (well ok, and to minimize his figuring this out in advance of boarding), I changed only the international flight, not the domestic one.

So there you go...I have learned to return those curveballs.

Oh, and hope you had a good flight, Jackass. All 9 hours and 40 minutes.

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