Thursday, October 15, 2009

Running Violet done R-U-N-N-O-F-T to Chi-town!!

This was one of the most surreal experiences I've had in years, save the day of diagnosis (well ok, and the couple of weeks the kids and I spent in hiding, since one day I may take us into that story). Anyway, as I drove the highway en route to the airport, I don't think I will ever forget how I felt so damn liberated, and slightly naughty, and just plain amused over what seemed like the first time in forever, doing something that I (me! just me!) really wanted to do. Onto the plane, letting my mind wander in and out of my i-Pod, my long-lost inner bad grrl channeled through every beat, letting me know how much she missed me and how saddened she had been over the past couple of decades of her abandonment. Between enjoying this reacquaintance, and nervous jitters over seeing Boy, I actually was more than a little disappointed to have landed so quickly.

Boy was in a great mood and I immediately knew that this visit was the right decision. I had wavered so much on whether to postpone, but doubt and second guesses dissipated within the first five minutes. After arriving at his place, we had a brief walk around his neighborhood (including a stop into his "local"), I had a short nap, and we ventured out again for a comfort dinner. Movie night with the much long-awaited sofa snuggling and off to bed for a night of my waking up many times over, giggling to myself, "Running Violet is in Chi-ca-go-ooo, in Boy's be-e-e-ed, with no-o-o-o clothes on!". A luxurious and ever so tiny bit of a lascivious wake-up, and on to his Mom's house (where, if you must know, dear reader, is where it all began), for a truly enjoyable visit, with a satisfying amount of bantering the past and present to properly kick off the first full day.

Of course there are lots more details, but they are still swimming 'round in my head, and I am for the most part enjoying the process of unraveling one thought from another in this tangled heap. For once, my mind is not racing in its usual triple type-A, hypercompetitive, get-the-fuck-out-of-my-way-I'm-not-stopping-til-the-end mode, and I do not feel compelled to understand all of it, nor all at once. There is a warm glow connecting my heart with my mind and I am content to let understanding unfold at its own pace. Funny how it was not much like I had envisioned it would be--nor was it even what I had thought I wanted it to be--but I know it was good and right and true to what Boy and I both needed. Cannot wait for another visit and I am intrigued by where and how it may go. I am so damn lucky to have found my friend and am going to do whatever I can to make sure we don't screw it up again.

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